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General Regulations

General Information

Date: Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd, February 2025
Distances: 6K, 15K, 25K, 42K, 50K, 70K y 90K.
Lugar de realización: Mendoza high mountains, Penitentes, Puente del Inca, Aconcagua Provincial Park and Villa Las Cuevas, Mendoza, Argentina.
Start Line: in Penitentes for 42K, 70K, and 90K distances, and at the entrance to Aconcagua Provincial Park (Horcones) for the distances of 6K, 15K, 25K, and 50K.
Finish Line: Penitentes for all distances.
Packet Pickup and Expo: Uspallata, Mendoza

Organización: La organización de Aconcagua Ultra Trail 2025 está a cargo de TMX TEAM

General Considerations

The Race Director and their team will ensure compliance of these rules by all runners and decide on any issues related to the competition. Due to the unique features of this race in a highly demanding mountain area, this team will be made up by different professionals namely Park Rangers, Doctors specialized in High Mountain Medicine and Rescue Patrols, and they will be enabled to take emergency decisions backed up by the Race Direction. Decisions made by this team related to runners, courses, timetables and race closure amongst others are final and not subject to appeal.

All inquiries regarding technical aspects such as course characteristics, timetables, race closure, etc. should be submitted to

The Race Organization may cancel and/or delay the competition due to public safety concerns, public acts, vandalism, weather conditions, sanitary reasons and/or any other Acts of God. In the event of race cancellation por reasons not depending on the organization, including those mentioned before, the fee amount paid by the runner will be transferred to the next edition of the race, without any price difference for the runner. Fees will not be refunded.

Debido a las características especiales de la carrera, las condiciones meteorológicas cambiantes y/o extremas y otros imprevistos pueden obligar a la Organización a modificar el recorrido por motivos de seguridad. Si esto sucediera el nuevo recorrido será comunicado oportunamente, incluyendo el mismo día de la carrera (antes de la largada) o durante del desarrollo de la misma. Los cambios estarán correspondientemente señalizados. Es obligación de los corredores ver la charla técnica que se publicará en el sitio web y redes sociales de Aconcagua Ultra Trail 2025, pues en ella se dará información importante en lo relacionado a los circuitos, elementos de seguridad y demás información actualizada.

The Organization and Sponsors reserve the right to use, reproduce, distribute and/or publish pictures, movies, videos and/or any other form of recording of the participants, without having to provide any type of financial compensation. This includes social networking and those belonging to Spartan circuit.

According to Art. 34 of Consumer Protection Act 24.240, fee refund may be requested during the next 10 days of the date of the contract conclusion. This request should be emailed to After this 10-day-period no refund can be requested. Registration fees are not transferrable to another participant, regardless of the reason. 

Registration fees are not transferrable to another participant, regardless of the reason. 

En los casos que el participante justifique su no participación, cualquiera sea el motivo, y haya excedido el período de 10 días mencionado precedentemente, según la fecha de solicitud baja, la Organización podrá reconocer un porcentaje de la inscripción para utilizar como descuento en la edición de Aconcagua Ultra Trail 2026 exclusivamente, a saber:

100% del pago realizado si cancela su participación hasta el 1 de octubre 2024.
75% del pago realizado, si cancela su participación entre el 2 de octubre de 2024 y el 12 de noviembre de 2024.
50% del pago realizado, si cancela su participación entre el 13 de noviembre de 2024 y el 10 de diciembre de 2024.
25% del pago realizado si cancela su participación entre el 11 de diciembre  de 2024 y el 21 de enero de 2025.
No se reconocerá ningún porcentaje si cancela su participación a partir del 22  de enero de 2025.

The recognitions will be made if you have the installment plan up to date.
To request the cancellation of their registration, the participant must send the request by email to


Changes of distance can be made once registered, as long as there is availability in the chosen new distance, and the registration is fully paid. If the change is to a shorter distance, the price difference between the original and the new distance will not be refunded. If the change is to a longer distance, the participant must pay the difference in registration fees between the two distances.
Discounts do not apply to changes in distance.

Distance changes must be requested exclusively by mail to

All runners must make a sworn statement that they do not suffer from any previous or congenital disorder, nor any bodily injury which might affect their health or living conditions as a consequence of their participation in the race, the characteristics of which they know and are known by physicians who control their health, as explained below. 

The participant must make a sworn statement that before the competition they have carried out a medical check-up, proving they are fit to participate in the race. The corresponding medical certificate must be presented at accreditation. As well, the participant assumes all risks related to the competition including falling, injuries, illnesses, hitting other participants, contracting infectious diseases, or circumstances derived from bad weather including temperature and humidity, road or traffic conditions, or any other type of risks that might come about, all known and acknowledged by the participant. 

Participation in the race implies that the runner takes responsibility for the information provided in the registration form, full acceptance to abide by the rules and the terms and conditions of the event and release of liability, as well as to comply with payment of registration fees.

The participant releases TMX SRL, Spartan Race SAU, their sponsors, related companies, representatives, parent companies, representatives, directors and shareholders of any liability related to their participation in this competition, including but not limited to, loss, theft and/or robbery, fire or short circuit affecting their property or belongings taken to the race or health damage resulting from fights with or between third parties, either before, during, or after the race. 

Runners under 18 years of age, who have at least turned 16 by the date of the event, may participate in 15k distance. 

En los casos donde participe un menor de edad, la ficha de inscripción y deslinde de responsabilidades del participante deberán indefectiblemente, estar firmadas por el padre, madre y/o tutor.

Under no circumstance will minors be allowed in any of the other longer distances.

Debido al grado de dificultad de la carrera, la altura, las condiciones climáticas extremas y los circuitos a recorrer, los corredores de 50K,  70K y 90K deberán acreditar participación previa en carreras de Ultra Trail al momento de la postulación. La evaluación de las candidaturas estará a cargo de la Dirección de la carrera y su decisión es inapelable.

Banned runners will not be allowed to participate, as well as runners who have been proved guilty of use of prohibited substances, or participants penalized and banned by Confederations or Federations active at the date of the event.

The Organization of Aconcagua Ultra Trail reserves the right to refuse admission. Participants penalized in previous editions of this race, or other races organized by the Organization will not be admitted. The same holds for runners who have not respected race rules and regulations in previous editions.

Whoever alters or falsifies their runner number will be banned from the race and future editions or events organized by our Team.

Se controlará los tiempos de cada corredor, mediante el uso de chips o sistema manual. Es obligatorio pasar por la alfombra de control en la Largada, puestos intermedios  y en la Llegada para figurar en la clasificación. En los puestos de control durante el recorrido, el control será manual por planillas, por lo que los corredores deben tener los números visibles en todo momento. Además, se recomienda que los corredores verifiquen que han sido planillados correctamente.

No está permitida la asistencia externa dentro de los Puestos de Asistencia o en cualquier parte del recorrido. La organización pondrá personal a disposición de los corredores en estos lugares. Habrá puestos de Asistencia o Control en diferentes partes del recorrido, y un puesto de Asistencia Total en Desvío Leñas  para los corredores de 90K y 70K. Los corredores de 90K y 70K podrán despachar al puesto de Asistencia Total una bolsa de equipamiento, que será provista por la Organización, cuyo peso no podrá superar los 5 kilos. Las bolsas de equipamiento no serán refrigeradas. La Organización no es responsable por la pérdida de bolsas o su contenido, lo mismo que cualquier caso de daño o rotura. 

Most part of the race takes place within Aconcagua Provincial Park, which is a unique opportunity. The park´s preservation is shared responsibility, so runners are expected to contribute by not littering the course. They are expected to carry their litter to the next Station or Finish Line. Litter containers will be available there. Any runner who is spotted littering the race course will be immediately disqualified.

This decision shall not be subject to appeal. 

Within the Provincial Park, Rangers may also stop runners for littering, in order to issue and sign a notice of infraction and apply the penalty established by the law.


Registration is subject to availability and will be made online at the race website.

Registration procedure, fees, payment deadlines and payment methods are available at

The registration fee DOES NOT include the entrance fee to Aconcagua Provincial Park. Information regarding the fees and payment methods for entrance to Aconcagua Provincial Park is provided in the registration details.

The registration fee does not include the transfer from Uspallata to the start. Neither from the arrival to Uspallata.

Registration will be closed on the day of the race.

If a participant is detected to have been replaced by somebody else during the event, the person who has run will immediately be disqualified, and both assignor and assignee will be banned from future events organized by our Team.

Las acreditaciones se realizarán durante los días 19, 20 y 21   de febrero de 2025 en Gran Hotel Uspallata.

At accreditation, and in order to pick up their race number and race kit, runners must present:

1. Original I.D. or Passport.
2. Certificado de Apto Médico, donde conste: nombre y apellido del corredor y texto: que incluya que el corredor se encuentra apto médica y físicamente para participar en Aconcagua Ultra Trail, aclarando la distancia. Este certificado debe tener fecha y firma y sello del médico que lo extiende, y deberá ser expedido con una anterioridad que no supere los tres meses previos a la carrera
3. Aconcagua Provincial Park access fee.

Registration Cost
Available at according to payment date.

Note: If payments should not be made within the deadlines, the Organization might cancel pre-registration without prior notice. Having completed the online registration form does not imply confirmation of race vacancy. Only full payment of the fee guarantees participation in the event, always subject to availability.

* If an installment payment system is chosen, payments must be made monthly. There is NO automatic debit. With the payment of the 1st installment, the value of the registration is frozen. 

*Arrears interest will be 1% per day. After 30 days of payment delay, the installment plan will expire and all money paid will not be refunded.

* Argentinian Electronic payment: Mercado Pago will add a management fee (4,5% + VAT)


The assigned bib number is compulsory, it must be fastened to the front and fully visible for all distances. Since all runners transit within the Provincial Park, this identification is mandatory.
If the number is not visible, they can be stopped by park ranger personnel to verify their permission to pass inside Aconcagua Park.

Each distance has the list of obligatory elements and recommended elements in the "Runner's Guide" that the participants must read and respect.

En las distancias de 70K y 90K deberán largar con las luces frontales encendidas (de 100 lúmenes o superior) y mantenerlas así hasta las 08:00 a.m. y, a partir de las 17:00hs deberán salir al circuito con la luz frontal colocada y a partir de las 18:45hs deberá estar prendida.


No participant should be accompanied by any motor vehicle, motorcycle, bicycle or any other type of vehicle. Neither should they be accompanied by a person for assistance throughout the course. If this occurs, such runner will be disqualified.

Assistance between runners will not be penalized.

The use of oxygen (spray or any other but the air) is not allowed.

Only runners completing the whole course of the distance chosen determined by the Organization will qualify.

Runners who do not complete the distance will be listed as DNF (Did not Finish)
No se entregarán certificaciones de distancias intermedias. Por ejemplo, si corren 90K y no completan la distancia (sólo llegan a Km 60) no se emitirá certificación de la distancia que completaron. 

Those who will complete their own distance outside the final time that the Organization has or with a shortened route for not reaching the cutoff at an Assistance Post will appear as DNF.

If any participant should notice another participant is in trouble, they MUST inform the Organization.

Runners who incur in any unsporting behavior, or who fail to comply with the instructions given by the Race Staff and/or breach these rules shall be disqualified.

Runners who drop out of the race have the obligation to inform the Organization. Drop-outs should only be notified at Aid Stations, the Start or Finish Line. Race marshals or staff in other parts of the course are not allowed to register these notifications.

Whenever a runner is receiving medical treatment or taking any medication, they must notify the Organization and present Certificates and prescriptions at accreditation.
Detection of any substance included in the WADA listing will lead to immediate disqualification and banning from future editions.
Prohibited substances are listed at WADA (World Antidoping Agency), list available at their website:


Distancia 90k
Masculina de 18 a 29 años –  Femenina de 18 a 29 años
Masculina de 30 a 39 años –  Femenina de 30 a 39 años
Masculina de 40 a 49 años – Femenina de 40 a 49 años
Masculina de 50 a 59 años – Femenina de 50 a 59 años
Masculina de más de 60 años  – Femenina de más de 60 años

Distancia 70k
Masculina de 18 a 29 años –  Femenina de 18 a 29 años
Masculina de 30 a 39 años –  Femenina de 30 a 39 años
Masculina de 40 a 49 años – Femenina de 40 a 49 años
Masculina de 50 a 59 años – Femenina de 50 a 59 años
Masculina de más de 60 años  – Femenina de más de 60 años

Distancia 50k
Masculina de 18 a 29 años –  Femenina de 18 a 29 años
Masculina de 30 a 39 años –  Femenina de 30 a 39 años
Masculina de 40 a 49 años – Femenina de 40 a 49 años
Masculina de 50 a 59 años – Femenina de 50 a 59 años
Masculina de más de 60 años  – Femenina de más de 60 años

Distance 42k
Masculina de 18 a 29 años –  Femenina de 18 a 29 años
Masculina de 30 a 39 años –  Femenina de 30 a 39 años
Masculina de 40 a 49 años – Femenina de 40 a 49 años
Masculina de 50 a 59 años – Femenina de 50 a 59 años
Masculina de más de 60 años  – Femenina de más de 60 años

Distance 25k
Masculina de 18 a 29 años –  Femenina de 18 a 29 años
Masculina de 30 a 39 años –  Femenina de 30 a 39 años
Masculina de 40 a 49 años – Femenina de 40 a 49 años
Masculina de 50 a 59 años – Femenina de 50 a 59 años
Masculina de más de 60 años  – Femenina de más de 60 años

Distance 15k
Masculina de 16 a 29 años – Femenina de 16 a 29 años
Masculina de 30 a 39 años –  Femenina de 30 a 39 años
Masculina de 40 a 49 años – Femenina de 40 a 49 años
Masculina de 50 a 59 años – Femenina de 50 a 59 años
Masculina de más de 60 años  – Femenina de más de 60 años

Distancia 6K
Esta distancia es participativa. No lleva clasificación ni premiación.

The age on the day of the race will be taken in consideration.

Nota 1: Para las categorías se toman edades correspondientes al día de la carrera.
Nota 2: Podrán participar con 16 años cumplidos al 20 de febrero de 2025 en la distancia de 15k
Nota 3: Podrán participar con 18 años cumplidos al 20 de febrero 2025 en las distancias de 25k, 42k, 50k, 70k y 90k
Nota 4: La edad mínima para participar de los 6k es de 12 años


  • Trophies for the top 3 in the Overall Male and Female classifications of all distances.
  • Medals for the top 3 in each age group category, Male and Female, of all distances.

Important: For the award ceremony, runners already awarded prizes in General or Elite categories will not be considered in the age category Awards, so the more runners can access podiums.

Aconcagua Ultra Trail 2025
